
ClipSocial’s core purpose is the rapid social distribution of live event clips. CS allows you to own the viral moment as well as the audience that’s built from your most timely & popular live event highlights. With the right creative prep, you can share key live moments within seconds of when they occur, extracting the greatest viral value while they are still trending on social media.

Your ClipSocial account gives you access to a dedicated, high-performance cloud filespace that serves as an attached external drive on your social team’s computers. Multiple team members can access exported CS clips simultaneously, posting directly from that private server, substantially reducing clip distribution time.

Approved clips can also be delivered to your preferred cloud storage, FTP or private remote server locations. In our multi-event subscription workflows, this clip delivery can be automated for rapid distribution of content to your web team as well as outside media channels. Your clip content can also be archived on our affordable ClipSocial S3 servers, for highly-reliable, longer-term use.